Portrait of a Graduate (POG)

MCCSC Mission/Vision/Portrait of a Graduate

The process of creating and implementing a Portrait of a Graduate was a community effort. We brought together students, families, staff, teachers, community stakeholders and school administrators to create a North Star for our students and community. That North Star is our Portrait of a Graduate. 

It was months of work, including meetings that sought out input, ideas, thoughts, and visions; lots of opportunities for feedback through surveys and conversations; and finally, the selection of the design and words that best reflect our students and their future. 

Mill Creek Community School Corporation. 

Mission : Small Schools. BIG OPPORTUNITIES!

Vision : Develop confident, independent citizens who productively impact society. 

Our graduates will show excellence in their attitudes, actions, and achievements in pursuit of their passion. 

POG Portrait of a Graduate / Mission / Vision

CMS Values
Our Vision

Make Learning Irresistible

Our Values

Building Relationships - Engaging Instruction - High Expectations - Respect for All

I am a Cadet…

I deserve the right to attend school without the fear of being ridiculed, bullied, or harassed. I deserve caring teachers who care about me as a person and not just a test score. I am entitled the right to think critically about real situations and solve complex and interesting problems rather than being spoon fed information.

I am only satisfied with excellence, rather than average. I do the best I can in all endeavors; if its sports, academics, social interactions, or involvement in community service. When faced with adversity, I will fight through it and will accomplish something greater than before. Time that I spend is spent getting ahead rather than getting even.

I may be one voice in a small school, but I can make a difference in our larger world. I am the change the world wants to see…

I am a Cadet!

Download: I am a Cadet